Tuesday, March 3, 2009

BoldSprints 2nd Place!

Originally uploaded by octopistnskquid
Later that Sunday night after the Indoor TT effort earlier in the day, I went to BoldSprints at the Middle East Corner in Cambridge. It was a great time. I met a bunch of new friends, some former collegiate racers, some cyclists from the Boston metro area, and even a former woman pro named Mackenzie (sp?).

I had the 2nd place time for the seeding heats, then I won the first round of the top-8 tournament. But sadly we then got kicked out since we were going over our allowed time, and the Belly Dancers were coming in to dance later that night.

So I ended up second overall since the winners were chosen based on the seed times. I lost to a fast racer formerly of Tufts U. named Jeremy, who is a very nice guy. Too bad I didn't get to go head to head.

I won a pair of nice Core Windstopper gloves and a Cambridge Bicycles/Igleheart Racing cap. Sweet.

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